frob - определение. Что такое frob
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Что (кто) такое frob - определение


/frob/ 1. [MIT] The TMRC definition was "FROB = a protruding arm or trunnion"; by metaphoric extension, a "frob" is any random small thing; an object that you can comfortably hold in one hand; something you can frob (sense 2). See frobnitz. 2. Abbreviated form of frobnicate. 3. [MUD] A command on some MUDs that changes a player's experience level (this can be used to make wizards); also, to request wizard privileges on the "professional courtesy" grounds that one is a wizard elsewhere. The command is actually "frobnicate" but is universally abbreviated to the shorter form. [Jargon File]
an unsepcified physical object, generally small. synonymous with widget. also a verb, genearlly any action performed on a frob can be considered frobbing the object.
It has a frob for controlling the pressure. (verb) I need to frob the volume knob - it's too quiet in here.
1. To munge; to process in an unspecified but vaguely complicated way.
2. To screw up in a particularly convoluted or elegant manner.
See also: Frobnicator
I'm not sure how that program works; all I know is it frobnicates whatever you type in so you can't read it anymore.


Примеры произношения для frob
1. - That's Frobo. Thank you, darling. - Coming at you, boys.
Mr Deeds (2002)